Reinforce the Structure With External Reinforcement Material

Reinforce the Structure With External Reinforcement Material - Carbon Fiber Material

carbon fiber material bridge strengthening

Reinforce the structure with external reinforcement material - carbon fiber material

Carbon fiber is a high-strength, high-modulus, linear elastic material. It is applied in the form of sheets and plates. Carbon fiber reinforcement is called external reinforcement because the material is attached to the structure using epoxy glue.

First, the properties of this material have led to the use of carbon fiber to reinforce reinforced concrete structures. Since the ultimate elongation of this material is much greater than the ultimate elongation of concrete, in most cases, the force of carbon fiber is far less than the ultimate force. And the damage of the carbon fiber reinforced sample usually occurs along the contact layer between the exterior and the exterior.

Quick and easy installation of external carbon fiber reinforced components is the main advantage of the unconventional method. In addition, external reinforcement does not deform the aesthetic appearance of the structure, and the reinforcement process is much easier than traditional techniques.

This method is most reasonable when it is necessary to strengthen unique or expensive structures (such as architectural monuments, transportation and hydraulic structures). These structures are difficult to reconstruct in other ways. Currently, this technology is the most practical way to improve the performance of any element in a building or structure.

carbon fiber openning reinforcement

The scope of application of carbon fiber reinforcement

1 Reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures

Generally, reinforced concrete structures are damaged due to corrosion, overloading of individual elements, design and construction errors, and improper use of facilities. Those components that are very expensive or cannot even be replaced require special attention. First of all, this applies to bridges, hydraulic buildings and architectural monuments. In this case, external reinforcement is essential. It is not always economically feasible to use carbon fiber to reinforce ordinary structures.

2 Reinforcement of metal structures

The stretched steel structure is reinforced symmetrically around the center of gravity of the section. In this case, use carbon fiber with the highest possible strength and modulus of elasticity, the value of which is close to the modulus of elasticity of the reinforced material.

3 Stone structure

Reinforcing external reinforcement made of carbon fiber materials is much more effective than the traditional method of using steel clips to reinforce stone pillars, towers and walls. After all, it is only possible to ensure the necessary joint operation of the steel cage and the reinforced column by heating the fixture and using an extended solution to make initial efforts in the cage. And the process is laborious, untechnical and unmodern. The holes made of carbon fiber are only included in the work of the reinforcing element when installed through the glue layer.

The external reinforcement element made of carbon fiber can adjust the force in the stone structure in a wide range while minimizing damage to its integrity. This is completely correct for the structure of the building that is being rebuilt and repaired.

4 Reinforce the wooden structure.

The wood structure is effective in areas where there is a large tensile stress and may split along the grains. It is also recommended to stick it on the flexible plywood in the area where the shearing force is applied.

These external reinforcement elements are usually glued to the surface or in a prepared cut. It is best to make the cut vertical to minimize the integrity of the section.

When it is necessary to preserve the original appearance of the beam and make the reinforcement itself invisible, the second option is desirable. Invisibility as well as technical simplicity and high installation speed are attributed to the main advantages of reinforcing the wooden structure made of carbon fiber elements.

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