Application And Use Of FRP Systems

Application And Use Of FRP Systems For Strengthening Concrete Structures

Application And Use Of FRP Systems For Strengthening Concrete Structures

FRP systems can be used to rehabilitate or restore the strength of a deteriorated structural member, retroft or strengthen a sound structural member to resist increased loads due to changes in use of the structure, or address design or construction errors. The licensed design professional should determine if an FRP system is a suitable strengthening technique before selecting the type of FRP system.

To assess the suitability of an FRP system for a particular application, the licensed design professional should perform a condition assessment of the existing structure that includes establishing its existing load-carrying capacity, identifying deficiencies and their causes, and determining the condition of the concrete substrate. The overall evaluation should include a thorough feld inspection, a review of existing design or as-built documents, and a structural analysis in accordance with ACI 364.1R.Existing construction documents for the structure should be reviewed, including the design drawings, project specifcations, as-built information, feld test reports, past repair documentation, and maintenance history documentation. The licensed design professional should conduct a thorough feld investigation of the existing structure in accordance with ACI 437R, ACI CODE-562 ACI 369R, and other applicable documents. As a minimum, the feld investigation should determine the following:

(a)Existing dimensions of the structural members
(b)Location, size, and cause of cracks and spalls
(c)Quantity and location of existing reinforcing steel
(d)Location and extent of corrosion of reinforcing steel
(e)Presence of active corrosion
(f)In-place compressive strength of concrete

(g)Soundness of the concrete, especially the concrete cover, in all areas where the FRP system is to be bonded to the concrete

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