Did you pay attention to the carbon fiber wrap for reinforcement

The quality of the structural reinforcement project will directly affect the safety of the building structure. The new reinforcement technology of carbon fiber wrap to strengthen concrete structures has been widely used in reinforcement projects. Did you notice it?

The quality of the structural reinforcement project will directly affect the safety of the building structure. The new reinforcement technology of carbon fiber wrap to strengthen concrete structures has been widely used in reinforcement projects. Did you notice it?

The key of carbon fiber cloth reinforcement is to ensure that the high strength of carbon fiber cloth is fully exerted, and the high strength of carbon fiber cloth is ensured by its reliable bonding with the surface of concrete members. Therefore, the construction of carbon fiber cloth reinforcement technology Quality can play a decisive role in the reinforcement effect. At the same time, in GB50550-2010, the effective bonding area of carbon fiber cloth has a requirement of not less than 95%.

carbon fiber wrap reinforcment

Secondly, when carbon fiber cloth is pasted in the tensile area of beams and plate members for bending and strengthening, the direction of carbon fiber should be the same as the direction of tension at the reinforcement. The beam should be reinforced by U-shaped paste, and the direction of carbon fiber should be perpendicular to the axial direction of the component . During the construction, the load acting on the structure should be removed, and then the carbon fiber bonding work should be performed.

Because carbon fiber materials are conductive materials, electrical safety at the construction site should be strictly controlled during construction, and bending of carbon fiber cloth should be avoided during construction. And the selected bonding material should be a product matching the carbon fiber cloth to ensure that they have good adaptability

For the carbon fiber cloth reinforcement method, the compatibility between the selected carbon fiber cloth and the structural adhesive is particularly important, because the carbon fiber cloth must take advantage of its high strength to achieve the purpose of reinforcement and reinforcement. After the high-performance characteristics of the composite, if they do not have good adaptability, the reinforcement effect will be impossible to talk about.

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