Product catalog - Horse structural repair adhesive

Horse structural repair adhesive

Structural repair adhevie, good thixotropy, used for repair and leveling of reinforced component surface defects, the role is leveling of concrete surface defect, major damage, convexo-concave surface, and the corner, in order to paste carbon fiber, better to give play to the tensile strength of carbon fiber cloth.

Horse structural repair adhesive

Horse structural repair adhesive

Horse structural repair adhesive

Horse Construction Recommended Products

You can find anything here you are in need of, have a trust trying on these products, you will find the big difference after that.

HM-20 Unidirectional Carbon Fiber Wrap

High strength, unidirectional carbon fiber wrap pre-saturated to form a carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) wrap used to strengthen structural concrete elements.

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HM-9 Crack Sealing Adhesive

High strength crack sealing repairing adhesive for the fracture surface of concrete crack

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HM-120L Crack Injection Resin

Very strong penetration and low viscosity epoxy crack injection adhesive for repairing concrete crack

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