Unidirectional Carbon Fiber Fabric And Carbon Fiber Prepreg

unidirectional carbon fiber fabric, carbon fiber prepreg

Unidirectional Carbon Fiber Fabric

Is unidirectional carbon fiber fabric popular in various application fields? This guy who grabbed 50% of the market for bonded steel reinforcement, and this guy who was used in the aerospace and automotive industries, has become so popular. However, many people have been curious, what is the relationship between unidirectional carbon fiber fabric and carbon fiber prepreg? What is the difference between them?

What is unidirectional carbon fiber fabric?

Let's first make an official explanation. Unidirectional carbon fiber fabric is a high-strength reinforcement material woven from carbon fiber threads. Lightweight and high strength are its advantages, and it is anti-acid, anti-aging, anti-fatigue, and anti-corrosion. It is simply an expert in structural strengthening!

Unidirectional carbon fiber fabric, it has several times stronger strength than steel! Take Horse unidirectional carbon fiber fabric as an example. The strength of unidirectional carbon fiber fabric tested by science and technology laboratory is as high as 4424.1582Mpa, while the specific gravity of carbon fabric is only 23% of steel. This can understand why so many people like to use unidirectional carbon fiber fabric for structural reinforcement.

carbon fiber prepreg

What is carbon fiber prepreg?

A layer of resin is impregnated on the surface of the unidirectional carbon fiber fabric, but it is not cured by heating. Its existence is reserved for later molding and curing. It is a spare material. The industry calls it a carbon fiber prepreg.

What is the connection between carbon fiber prepreg and unidirectional carbon fiber fabric?

Carbon fiber prepreg is actually a pretreatment product of unidirectional carbon fiber fabric. Mainly used in the industrial field, the requirements for transportation and storage are relatively high, requiring refrigeration.

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